Arkansas Wild

Arkansas Wild

Thank you. To have gotten to this webpage, you displayed some serious determination. Maybe you read about my work in a magazine or newsletter, clicked on an ad or social post, or heard about it from a friend. It's a great story about one of the most famous trout rivers in Arkansas, and for that matter the world.

As an independent artist, I have 100% self-funded this project. By renting this film, you are supporting my work telling authentic, local stories. Thank you for your determination.

The Little Red River in Arkansas, USA, is an internationally famous trout stream and home to a self-sustaining wild brown trout population that once produced a world-record brown trout. Located in the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas, USA, the Little Red is beset with conservation challenges but amazing tourism opportunities. Filmed and directed by Dr. Benjamin Garner.

Arkansas Wild
  • Arkansas Wild The Story of Trout Tourism on the Little Red River - 2024

    I have 100% self-funded this film. So by renting this film, you are supporting my work as an independent filmmaker telling authentic, local stories. Thank you!

    The Little Red River in Arkansas, USA, is an internationally famous trout stream and home to a self-sustaining wild brown trou...